How do you embody sacred feminine?
Nov 19, 2024The sacred feminine is currently awakening on earth, which means more and more women feel called to embrace it. One of the main difficulties when working with our divine feminine energy is to trust ourselves and follow the journey of the hearth rather than what we can hear from the outside. Media, bloggers, friends, family, and coworkers all have an idea of what feminine energy should be and how women should embody it.
One of the roles of the sacred feminine now is to reestablish deep alignment, both as individuals and in our society. Sacred feminine carries incredible wisdom and can lead our communities to a new era.
1. Embrace Intuition and Inner Wisdom
Intuition and inner wisdom are one of the gifts of feminine energy. Intuition is available to everyone, but we must first quiet the noise from the world and have enough time to rest in our receptive essence. Whatever the practice is, meditation, walking in nature, painting, yoga, dance, sport, writing, the idea is to give yourself time to be.
A woman in touch with her intuitive essence is extremely powerful because she can lead her life and be a leader for others. This is the power of the oracle. Connecting to your intuition and inner oracle allows immense freedom and decision-making capacity.
2. Honor Your Emotions
The true nature of emotions is to put in movement, as you can see in the word "e-motion". Emotions are indicators and signals from the body that allow us to move forward in what is right for us. Now, we have to be realistic about our context and education. Most of us have learned to deny certain emotions, such as anger. Many women were taught that they had to be pleasant and gentle. This blocks access to a whole part of the feminine essence.
Another aspect is the common idea of being 'too emotional', 'too complicated', and 'too chaotic'. The truth is that the language and wisdom of emotions cannot be compared to intellectual language. Emotion can appear chaotic, non-linear, going nowhere, or strangely intense. But the divine feminine essence doesn't care that historically, women have been condemned for being 'too much' or forced to limit the expression of their nature to gentleness. Reconnecting with the sacred feminine is about allowing yourself to experience all the nuances and fullness of your feminine energy.
3. Rest in your feminine essence and experience safety
If masculine energy embodies 'doing', feminine energy embodies 'being and receiving'. The immense difficulty is that today's society is unbalanced regarding masculine polarity. We function much more in doing than in being. If this is detrimental to everyone (we can see the number of burnouts), it's catastrophic for the sacred feminine. Most women are exhausted and under constant stress. These conditions don't allow the full power of the sacred feminine to blossom. Our challenges are bringing more security and moments to rest in feminine energy.